E012.se, no rights reserved!
E012.se hosts some projects on it's servers, these are either projects that I like or that I'm a part of. If you would like to host your project here or have any legal comments regarding the projects, please contact me. Some of the projects include Grupp 054, Klanglandet and Øresund Space Collective.
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Used licenses
This website uses the following fonts under respective licenses:
Elegant Typewriter Regular, Bold, Light
free for non-commercial use only by Lukas Krakora 2014.
Paypal donation krraaa@yahoo.com.Another Typewriter
Freeware by Johan Holmdahl 1999.JMH Typewriter Regular, Black, Bold, Thin
Free for personal use only by jorge Morón.
Contact joorgemoron@gmail.com.Volta Bold V2, Medium Italic V2, Medium V2, Regular
Credited to Web Fonts.
There are multiple open source packages used, avaliable here.